Mother's Day Portrait drawn by my son and made by Jacinta
Happy Mother’s Day from one Mum to another ….
/in Framed embroidery work, Mother's Day, personalised gifts /Happy Mother’s Day from one mum to another for our giveaway of a portrait made from your child’s drawing. Thanks for sending in your drawings to us. We printed them off and put them into a box. One of the kids took the special drawing from the box. The one choosen is…..
Joanna Kamińska-Wujek .
Drawing by Joanna’s eldest son.
Joanna sent in a drawing by her oldest son who is taking after his mother I think. Joanna is a fellow artist who goes under the name of Jokamin and we met each other at the Glucksman Gallery at their Christmas craft fair. As it so happens she is having an exhibition down in Pana Bread Bakery in Cork. So if your around the area and want to bring home a beautiful painting along with some bread head over.
I hope you like what I decided to do with your eldest son’s drawing Joanna. I decided to use some hand embroidery and mixed it with some machine embroidery to create a textile sculpture.

Close up of Hand Embroidery
For me the drawing starts to dictate sometimes what to do. In this case I wanted to try out a couple of different techniques and have some fun with the whole process.
Going over the hand embroidery with some machine embroidery
Here is the whole process photographed. I really loved the freedom of working on this portrait and turning it into a textile sculpture.
The cheeks and the mouth are all hand embroidered
It all started to take shape with the hair. I used a coiling technique and added little hearts to the end of the hair.
Coiling technique which I used for the hair.
Adding some fabric for the clothes using applique.
Close up of a the little butterfly perched on her shoulder.
Detail of portrait
Finished portrait of a mother as a textile sculpture.
I hope you like it and I decided to add embroidered text to the piece ” Happiness is like a butterfly”
Happiness is like a butterfly quote
Happiness is like quote machine embroidery

Mother’s day the fished piece. Textile sculpture
If you would like a commissioned portrait please get in touch. You have the choice of sending a drawing or sending a photograph and I will create a textile sculpture just for you. Send it to here
Also check out our family collection.

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