Precious Moments
The last day of 2018! The time between Christmas and New Year feels like it is in a stand still. A perfect time to reflect and slow down, at least for me. It is an ideal time to get back to painting and just be. To smell the paint, doodle and be free. An ideal time to create without thinking about the result.
This painting, which I still haven't named yet, is all about being in the moment. 2018 was full of moments and some of them lead to exciting things, like creating a scarf collection which got a nice press coverage or going to the Showcase for the first time and meeting interesting people. It takes many moments to create something new out of it. Like getting my scarves into the National Gallery of Ireland or going to Irish Designers Fashion Show in London. Tiny moments do count and lead to different moments :).
To the 2019! Let it be creative, full of inspiration and great moments!!!!

May 2019 bring you many more precious moments Joanna ..I think I am going to use your "precious moments " phrase instead of "steps " your phrase gives them more meaning and value 💫 and for me I think it will make me take more notice and be appreciative of the magic .🤗💕