To new beginnings!!!
Once you decide you are worthy and that you deserve a better life, there is no going back. When I was a teenager, I had a small easel to work with and would throw my feelings and observations onto that canvas – it was my safety net, my secret world where I could say what I feel. Then as I walked into adult life I stopped creating and I really don’t know why. I guess I was busy with studying, working, travelling, socializing & looking for my identity…
I moved to Ireland in 2005, when I was 7 months pregnant, and before I knew it, I was a stay-at-home mum with two beautiful boys. As the years passed I found that, while caring for others, I had forgotten to take care of myself; I really missed that creative spark and that inner magic to keep going. My mum noticed how the sparkle in my eyes had dimmed and, in her wisdom, suggested that I go back to my art.
Virginia Woolf once said that every woman should have her own room. It wasn’t possible for me at the time to have one, but I really needed a space to draw and paint, such as a small office desk of my own. However, I had to explain to my ‘other half’ why it was necessary, which was ridiculous of course, but at the time that’s how it was. To cut a long story short I got the desk eventually, and now I no longer explain my purchases to anyone.
So I am very excited because this is my first professional easel where I can start painting on a bigger scale! So I guess the message is don’t forget to take care of yourself when you are busy taking care of others, otherwise you can get lost and it takes time to find your way back again. But it is possible!